
Fest 2022

18-20 Dec 2022 | New York

About Festival

On the other hand we denounce with righteous indignation and disen like men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment so blinded by desire.

Special Performers

30 +
Event Artists
24 +
Hours of Music
5 +
Event Stages
12 +
Music Bands

Event Schedule

Time Bands Artists Stages
9:00 Abertura Área de campeonatos
11:00 Campeonato River Raid Área de campeonatos
14:00 Quiz com João Agile Área de campeonatos
15:30 Campeonato Street Fighter 2 Turbo Área de campeonatos

Event Sponsorship

Purchase Your Ticket

  • Day 1 Ticket
    The decade that brought us Star Trek and Doctor Who resurrected Cicero or at least what used
  • Day 2 Ticket
    The decade that brought us Star Trek and Doctor Who resurrected Cicero or at least what used
  • Day 3 Ticket
    The decade that brought us Star Trek and Doctor Who resurrected Cicero or at least what used

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